Why is the smart board useful in the classroom?
To answer this question above I have provides some resources listed below but you are more then welcome to pick other resources to use. You have to a least two resources but you have to use one of the following.
1. 5 Smart Ways to Use SMART Boards in the Classroom
2. The Advantages of SMART boards in the classroom
5 Smart Ways to Use SMART Boards in the Classroom: In this article it give us many examples. For instance improving classroom management. While using the smart board in the elementary class it helps with day-to-day routines that are needed. Another one they give in the article is minimizing the need for eyes at the back of the head. SMART Boards change the amount of time teachers need to turn their back to the class. Also it providing academic & digital learning. When the teachers teach with the smart boards it helps the students gain technology skills. Another reason is building motion into kindergarten lessons. Kindergarten students have very shot attentions spans and with the smart boards it helps them stay interested in the lesson. Clicking here to show what you know. This is when the teacher may ask the student so show what they know by doing it on the smart board. The last one they talk about is waking up students with smart technology. This provides hands on experience for the students.
The Advantages of SMART boards in the classroom: In this article it examples the advantages of using the smart board in the classroom. One of the main reason is it provides new ways of the teachers to teach. It also is environmental friendly. the teacher uses the board for everyone to see versus printing out paper. The smart board is very low maintenance to use and to operate. It has the internet is right their and easy to get to. It has so many sources of media through the programs on the board. I think the smart board is a great source of technology for the classroom.
"... I have provides some resources…" provided, not provides
ReplyDelete"In this article it examples…" You need to add provides before "examples".
"One of the main reason is it provides new ways of the teachers to teach." Awkward. perhaps: One advantage resulting from the use of smart boards is that teachers have new ways to teach.
"...friendly. the teacher …" Capitalize The.
" It has the internet is right their and easy to get to.' What. And their is not the word to use here. It should be there.
Poor writing.
In the article 5 Smart Ways to Use SMART Boards in the Classroom it states to have students slide their name to the food choice that they want for lunch.I like this idea because it shortens the amount of time the teachers have to call each individual. I read both of the article and they gave great ideas to use with the SmartBoard.....Remember to always proofread and edit before posting.